
Tuberville says Democrats ‘created’ wars in Ukraine, Middle East

U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville said that Democrats and President Joe Biden “created” the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Tuberville made the remarks during an interview with Newsmax’s Bianca de la Garza in response to questioning about Democratic efforts to implement a resolution which would allow them to circumvent Tuberville’s efforts to stonewall more than 300 military promotions, a tactic he has employed since February in protest over the Department of Defense’s abortion policy.

“They need to be worried about what’s going on in Ukraine, the Middle East, the wars that their side, the Democrats and Joe Biden, have created but you know, they want to circumvent the rules in the Senate,” Tuberville told de la Garza.

A request for comment or clarification from Tuberville’s office did not receive an immediate response Saturday.

Democrats are crafting a resolution to allow most of the military nominees to be voted on with a single vote, Punchbowl News reported Thursday. Under current Senate rules, each nomination has to be voted on individually, which Democrats said would take months.

Tuberville has held up military promotions over the DoD policy which allows female servicemembers to be reimbursed for travel expenses for out-of-state abortions. Tuberville said during the interview holding the promotions hostage signals to Democrats “I mean business when it comes to abortion in the military.”

Tuberville also said he wants the American people to vote on the DoD’s abortion policy and, were it to pass, “we do what the American people elect to do.”

“But, you know, they’re playing dictator from the White House,” he told de la Garza. “This administration, Bianca, has screwed everything up in our country. They’ve screwed up everything up all over the world since they’ve been in. It’s a disaster.”


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