
The Mind and Body Practice of Falun Dafa

Spiritual sadhana or cultivation practices that refine one’s moral character, have their origins in ancient culture. The way to transcend the mundane and achieve higher states of mind, free from illusions of ordinary world was possible through self-cultivation. This involved self-discipline, study of teachings, and practice of meditation and other techniques to improve the mind and the body.

Throughout the ages, these traditions were passed down by masters to disciples. Falun Dafa also known as Falun Gong, is such a cultivation way of mind and body. Mr. Li Hongzhi first introduced the practice in China in May, 1992, and made it available to everyone suitable to cultivate in ordinary society. Today Falun Dafa is practiced by people from all walks of life in more than 100 countries.

Falun means Law Wheel and Dafa means Great Law. Falun Dafa takes a holistic approach to refine both mind and body through study of teachings and practice of a set of exercises, which includes meditation. The exercises strengthen the abilities in the body, while the study of teachings helps improve one’s moral character. In Falun Dafa, the main focus is on elevating moral character, and with moral improvement the body undergoes great transformation. 

Practicing Falun Dafa means striving to improve oneself and living one’s life in accordance with the principles of the universe—Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Practitioners see every situation, conflict or challenges in life as opportunities to look inward and improve moral character. Through consistent and dedicated practice, Falun Dafa practitioners achieve a state of selflessness, greater insight and awareness, inner purity and balance—a state of true health. Many people find in Falun Dafa a rewarding path that offers profound insights into life and the universe, spiritual enlightenment and higher wisdom.

Health Benefits

The health benefits that practitioners experience are very many. In a short time, people achieve wellness and vitality—relief from stress and anxiety, increased immunity, calm and peaceful state of mind, increased energy levels and much more. 

Many have reported recovery from chronic and life-threatening illnesses, and were able to let go of unhealthy attachments and snap out of addictions. The book “Life and Hope renewed – the Healing Power of Falun Dafa“ recounts first-hand accounts of people from all walks of life who recovered from serious, or in many cases, terminal diseases through practicing Falun Dafa.

By cultivating character, practitioners directly and positively influence their physical health. This is one reason why the practice of Falun Dafa has such outstanding results in healing illnesses.

The Five Exercises of Falun Dafa

1. Buddha Stretching a Thousand Hands

Using gentle stretching movements, the first exercise opens all of the body’s energy channels, creating a powerful energy field

2. Falun Standing Stance

Composed of four still positions that can be held for several minutes each, the second exercise boosts energy levels and awakens wisdom.

3. Penetrating the Cosmic Extremes

With its gentle hand-gliding movements, the third exercise purifies the body using energy from the cosmos.

4. Falun Cosmic Orbit

By gently tracing the hands over the body, front and back, the fourth exercise rectifies abnormal conditions in the body and circulates energy.

5. Strengthening Supernatural powers (Meditation)

A meditation that incorporates special mudra and hand positions to refine body and mind, the fifth exercise strengthens higher abilities and energy.

Getting Started

Falun Dafa exercises are simple and easy to learn. Exercises can be learned at practice sites found in major cities around the world. There are also online classes that teach exercises. There is no fee, membership or joining process to learn Falun Dafa.

Practice sites(local contacts) information: https://en.falundafa.org/falun-dafa-global-contacts.html

Online classes: www.learnfalungong.com (USA), www.learnfalungong.in (India)

The teachings of Falun Dafa are available for free to read online at https://en.falundafa.org/falun-dafa-books.html

Falun Dafa Exercise Teaching Video  and exercise music: https://en.falundafa.org/falun-dafa-video-audio.html

Falun Dafa website: www.falundafa.org

Teachings of Falun Dafa (Indian languages translation) – https://hi.falundafa.org/falun-dafa-books.html
