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Easy and Quick Salad Recipes

Easy and Quick Salad Recipes

Cabbage Salad

Add shredded cabbage into a bowl. Add in some shredded carrot, green onion, and some shredded bell peppers.  For the salad dressing add some mayonnaise, salt, pepper powder, Dijon mustard. Add the dressing to the salad and mix.


Spinach Chickpea Salad

Soak chickpeas in water overnight and pressure cook adding some salt. Chop spinach, cucumber, tomatoes and red onions into a bowl and mix. Add chickpeas to this mixture. Add some salt, pepper powder, 1 teaspoon olive oil, some lime juice and mix.


Cucumber Tomato Salad

Chop cucumber into small pieces and add them to a bowl. Add some chopped tomatoes, avocado and lettuce. Prepare dressing with some lime juice, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar, some salt, pepper powder and garlic powder. Add in the dressing into the salad bowl and top it with some chopped cilantro.


Sprouted Moong Salad

Moong Bean sprouts are rich in nutrients, and contain fiber and Vitamin B. They also have Vitamin C and Vitamin K, and are good for health. To prepare salad, use sprouted moong beans. Add some cut tomato pieces and onion pieces. Add some finely dices green chillies. Add some grated carrot to the mix. To finish, add salt, pepper powder, cumin powder, amchoor powder and some lime juice. Top it with some chopped cilantro leaves. Instead of cumin powder and amchoor powder, you can also add in your own seasonings.



Black Bean Salad

Use canned black beans or cooked black beans. If using canned beans, rinse and drain the beans. Use canned corn or sweet corn for the salad. Mix the beans and corn into a bowl. Add in some chopped tomatoes, bell peppers, and red onion. Add a tbsp of olive oil, some lime juice, salt, some chilli powder and cumin powder. Mix well and top it with some chopped cilantro.






