Hi Friends, My name is Jericho, I am a Christian missionary. Welcome to my brand new channel “Truth in Bible Prophecy”. I believe that we are living in these last days of earth's history and people are asking the question, where can we put our lasting confidence?. Friends, we can put our trust in Bible prophecy. Our eye-opening Bible based videos will help you understand the truth of God’s word and Bible prophecy, focusing on Daniel and Revelation, Topics such as, Who is the Antichrist? What is the seal of God? The 2300 day prophecy? How can a person be saved?.
Each video seeks to uplift Christ as the only hope of salvation. I pray that God will touch your heart to surrender all to Jesus.
Id like to encourage you to subscribe and click the bell icon so you will be notified of our future prophecy videos. May we all continue to seek truth in Bible prophecy.