Feb 23, 2024
3 mins read
3 mins read

Study Finds Diversity Training May Increase Prejudice and Activate Bigotry

Study Finds Diversity Training May Increase Prejudice and Activate Bigotry

A recent study suggests that diversity, equity, and inclusion training could potentially raise prejudice levels among participants.

By yourNEWS Media Staff

David Haskell, an associate professor at Wilfrid Laurier University, has released a study for the Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy, asserting that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training can be divisive, counter-productive, and may inadvertently increase prejudice among participants. Haskell’s research presents a critical examination of DEI initiatives, challenging their effectiveness and underlying premises.

Haskell highlights that DEI workshops often promote questionable claims about the majority population’s character and exhibit hostility towards those who question DEI narratives. He points out a discrepancy between DEI advocates’ claims and the evidence, noting that claims of systemic racism in Western countries do not align with statistical analyses of outcomes across different demographics.

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The study references tragic instances, such as the suicide of Richard Bilkszto, a principal who faced harassment following DEI training, to illustrate the potential consequences of divisive DEI practices. Haskell argues that the purported benefits of DEI training are questionable, critiquing the methodology used to measure its effectiveness as unreliable. Research by psychologists Patricia Devine and Tory Ash, as well as a review of numerous systemic reviews and meta-analyses, supports Haskell’s assertion that positive results from DEI training are either undetectable or negligible.

Haskell further discusses how DEI initiatives can foster prejudice and activate bigotry by reinforcing stereotypes. He cites historical research that suggests anti-bias training does not significantly reduce bias or alter behavior. The study also explores the psychological impact of DEI training, suggesting it can cause isolation and demoralization among participants from the dominant culture by portraying them negatively.

The paper addresses the complex dynamics of racial and ethnic categorization within the context of DEI, highlighting the reclassification of Asians as whites due to their success, which challenges DEI narratives. Haskell criticizes the application of DEI in academic admissions, pointing to the higher entrance exam score requirements for Asian students as evidence of bias.

In light of the Supreme Court’s decision on racial quotas and the absence of similar legislation in Canada, Haskell calls for a reconsideration of DEI practices. He expresses concern over the motives behind DEI training and its implications for society, urging a shift away from these initiatives.

Haskell’s study contributes to the ongoing debate on the efficacy and impact of DEI training, suggesting that a reevaluation of these programs is necessary to prevent unintended negative consequences.

Read more about David Haskell’s findings and explore related research and events through the provided links.

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