Dec 4, 2023
2 mins read
2 mins read

Alexander Kabbaz designed Bresciani argyle socks

Alexander Kabbaz designed Bresciani argyle socks

When a man discovers the importance of great socks he never looks back. Socks can be like works of art, and when they fit and are comfortable and over-the-calf, it is a feeling like little else. The most important piece of clothing is socks, that is the secret most men have never found out about. When one crosses his legs he sees pure beauty and feels a very satisfying comfort.

My favourites from this order, stunning colours. Kabbaz argyles 12.jpg

Some of my other favourites designed by the late Alex Kabbaz. Socks - Kabbaz 1.jpg

If you wear plain coloured trousers, why not add a splash of fun and colour to your outfits, especially if you don't wear suits. One of my favourite socks are the Kabbaz argyle socks; they were specially designed by Alex Kabbaz to have maximum beauty, and Bresciani made [at Alex' request] the wool versions slightly thicker and spongier than their normal european versions which are very thin. They make for wonderful winter wool socks that are so comfortable with a bit of heft. My Spring socks are the more european style Bresciani wool socks which are thinner.

Now here are some of the socks in my recent order. Where do you find works of art like that. That's why l buy through the Kabbaz family. Kabbaz argyles 9 - nice.jpg

1st,2nd, 4th and 5th pair are 90% wool/10% poly. 3rd pair is cotton. Kabbaz argyles 11.jpg

Vibrant colours captured well by the photo. 100% cotton. Fun socks. Kabbaz argyles 14A.jpg

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