Mar 9, 2024
3 mins read
3 mins read

Why do I still smell after Miradry Treatment in Dubai?

Why do I still smell after Miradry Treatment in Dubai?

At our clinic, we understand the frustration and confusion that can arise when individuals experience lingering body odor after Miradry Treatment in Dubai. While Miradry is a highly effective procedure for reducing underarm sweat and odor, it's essential to comprehend why some individuals may still encounter odor post-treatment. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the factors contributing to persistent body odor after Miradry treatment and provide actionable insights for managing and mitigating this issue.

The Science Behind Miradry Treatment:

Miradry is a revolutionary non-invasive procedure designed to target and eliminate sweat and odor glands in the underarm area. Utilizing electromagnetic energy, Miradry heats and destroys the sweat and odor glands, leading to a significant reduction in underarm sweat and odor production. This FDA-approved treatment offers long-lasting results and minimal downtime, making it a popular choice for individuals seeking a permanent solution to excessive underarm sweating and odor.

Factors Influencing Post-Treatment Body Odor:

While Miradry effectively eliminates the majority of sweat and odor glands in the underarms, several factors can contribute to the persistence of body odor following treatment:

Residual Sweat Glands:

Despite the efficacy of Miradry, some individuals may retain a small percentage of residual sweat glands in the underarm area. These remaining glands can continue to produce sweat and contribute to body odor, albeit to a lesser extent than before treatment.

Bacterial Growth:

Body odor is not solely caused by sweat but is also influenced by the presence of bacteria on the skin's surface. Even after Miradry treatment, bacteria can proliferate in the underarm area, leading to the production of odor-causing compounds.

Lifestyle Factors:

Individual lifestyle choices can also impact post-treatment body odor. Factors such as diet, stress levels, and personal hygiene practices can influence the body's odor profile. It's essential to address these lifestyle factors to effectively manage body odor post-Miradry treatment.

Managing Post-Treatment Body Odor:

While experiencing body odor after Miradry treatment can be frustrating, several strategies can help manage and alleviate this issue:

Maintain Proper Hygiene:

Regular showering with antibacterial soap can help reduce bacterial growth on the skin's surface, thereby minimizing body odor. Additionally, wearing breathable fabrics and changing clothes frequently can aid in maintaining freshness throughout the day.

Use Antiperspirants and Deodorants:

Incorporating antiperspirants and deodorants into your daily hygiene routine can help control sweat production and mask any residual body odor. Look for products containing aluminum chloride or other sweat-reducing ingredients for optimal effectiveness.

Consider Additional Treatments:

In some cases, individuals may benefit from complementary treatments to address persistent body odor post-Miradry. Options such as Botox injections or prescription-strength antiperspirants can provide additional relief for those experiencing ongoing odor concerns.


While Miradry treatment offers a permanent solution to underarm sweat and odor for many individuals, it's important to recognize that some factors may contribute to post-treatment body odor. By understanding the underlying causes and implementing proactive management strategies, individuals can effectively mitigate body odor concerns and enjoy the long-lasting benefits of Miradry treatment. If you're experiencing persistent body odor after Miradry, our experienced team is here to provide personalized guidance and support to help you achieve optimal results. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about our comprehensive approach to addressing post-treatment body odor.

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