Apr 29, 2023
3 mins read
3 mins read

Peace in the Ukraine

Peace in the Ukraine

Xi Jinping wants peace in the Ukraine and so do I. The CIA does not. The CIA provoked the conflict in the Ukraine to support the World Economic Forum's agenda and their brand of Communism which includes mass starvation and world wide energy shortages. These manufactured emergencies are part of their agenda to turn people into slaves. They say the first casualty of war is the truth and we have seen that throughout history. On my Gangstersout blog the theme for this year is the struggle between good and evil. I declare that the struggle between good and evil continues because it's always misrepresented. People who fight for evil are tricked into doing so because they believe lies.

I believe in the truthfulness of Tao. The mainstream media does not. To understand the conflict in the Ukraine we need to understand the events that led up to it and what caused it. Once we find the real cause, then we can promote peace. To understand the conflict in the Ukraine we need to take a look at the results of the 2010 election.


In 2010 Ukraine elected a Russian speaking president. The picture shows the divide in the vote. The east of Ukraine voted for the Ukrainian speaking president while the west voted for the Russian speaking president. The citizens who live in eastern Ukraine are mostly Ukrainian speaking while the citizens who live in the west are mostly Russian speaking. 

There was a coup that overthrew the democratically elected president. The Donbas, which is in the west objected. The new president hired Nazi's to bomb the Donbas and beat them into submission. A Russian weightlifter made an appeal to Arnold Schwarzenegger to help stop the bombing of the Donbas. That appeal fell on deaf ears. Russia finally came to their aid when the United States didn't. 

NATO expansion is a concern. Putting nuclear missiles on Russia's border provokes a conflict just like the Cuban missile crisis did. The conflict in the Ukraine could be easily solved and could have been easily avoided. Before the conflict in the Ukraine started, there was a lot of shady business deals there that invloed Joe Biden and his son Hunter as well as John Kerry’s stepson, Chris Heinz. It also involved Nancy Pelosi and her son Paul Pelosi Jr as well as Mitt Romney. There were a lot of shady business deals going on in the Ukraine and they were tied to Metabiota and the many US Biolabs in the Ukraine.

These biolabs were tied to the one in Wuhan which leaked the Covid virus. Dr Fauci funded the gain of function research in the Wuhan lab. There were a lot of shady thing going on the media refused to report on.  If we want peace in the Ukraine, we have to address these truths.


