Fabric of Time

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Fabric of Time
In a world where science and religion often clash, a new collaboration seeks to solve an ancient mystery: Who was Jesus Christ, and what did he look like? This film presents recent scientific discoveries by scholars, scientists, and historians, aiming to prove the story of his death and resurrection. Viewers are invited to examine the evidence, including the possibility that an ancient artifact might hold crucial information. Could a single fiber from this artifact reveal secrets about the universe and offer new hope? Has modern science enabled us to create a three-dimensional image of Christ? Discover the answers in THE FABRIC OF TIME: Are the Secrets of the Universe Hidden in an Ancient Cloth?
Rating Information
Not Rated
Subtitle Language
English, Español, Tiếng Việt, 中文简体, 中文正體
Audio Language
Bruno Barberis, Robert Bucklin, Thomas D'Muhala, Giuseppe Ghiberti
Documentary, Faith & Spirituality
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